I just stitched up this little ornament and couldn’t love it more! This was such a fun and quick stitch. Pretty sure that this is how Santa feels in January! My treat to you this holiday season is a FREE stitch guide! Need the canvas? We’ve got you covered! You can order the canvas by clicking here.

Background: Silk Lame Braid SL94 (long stitch), HOE Perle 8 #72 Bark

Flip Flops: Tent Stitch – Neon Rays N22, Entice E283. Lay two long stitches with the Entice for the thongs of the flip flops.
Face, hands and feet: Tent Stitch – Pepper pot Powder Puff 193
Drink Glass: Tent stitch the green with Entice E283. Do a Bullion Knot with Petite Very Velvet V633.
Hat: Tent Stitch – Petite Very Velvet V633
Pom Pom: Rhodes Stitch – Fuzzy Stuff FZ15

Fur Cuff on Hat: French Knots – Fuzzy Stuff FZ15

Sunglasses: Tent Stitch – Neon Rays N01
Lips: Tent Stitch – Neon Rays N22
Beard: Petite Sparkle Rays PS21 – Vertical Brick Stitch over 4

Thread List
Entice E283
Fuzzy Stuff FZ15
House of Embroidery Perle 8 #72 Bark
Neon Rays N01, N22
Pepper pot Powder Puff 193
Petite Sparkle Rays PS21
Petite Very Velvet V633
Silk Lame Braid SL94
I hope you enjoy this treat this holiday season. I wish you all the best!