The Easter Season is upon us and we are all geared up at the store! We have an entire table dedicated to darling Easter decorations. We just received some new Easter canvases. There’s a few of our favorites here, as well.
We have copies of Carolyn Hedge Baird’s book ” Merry Easter Egg.”
Many of these stitch up quickly and are so fun! Stop by the store to check it out, or if you see something you like here, call and we can send it to you. You can even Skype with us while we pick you out threads for your new project!
Our Easter Table
Melissa Shirley’s new Easter Village $250
Butterfly Cracker $40
Chick Cracker $40
Teapot Cracker $40
Sheep Cracker $40
Needle Deeva $40
Associated Talents $29
Needle Deeva $48
Associated Talents $29
Needle Deeva Basket Front $78
Little Shoppe Canvas Company 3D Egg $48
Associated Talents $29
Brenda Stofft $98
Melissa Shirley $58
Melissa Shirley $58
Melissa Shirley $58
Needle Deeva $106
Suzie-thank you so much for mentioning my book, which is not only good for stitches on Easter Eggs but great for any area that needs small stitches!