The Spring Needlepoint Show has been cancelled or hopefully postponed. It was such a great show last year, especially being a brand new show. I was looking forward to exhibiting and buying there again this year, but this is what is the safest option.
This is such a bummer since I’ve been working for the last six months on new designs and new stitched pieces. But don’t worry, you’ll see all the new designs when the time is right.
As for The Enriched Stitch, we are still currently open for business, cleaning the shop religiously, and our sale continues both in store and online.
I won’t be planning a big anniversary bash on the 17th, social distancing and all. But we’ll celebrate when this passes.
So, stay tuned for updates.
We’re all worried about what is going on in the world right now. The best thing you can do is lay low at home and stitch. Bring that blood pressure down by stitching. The meditative aspect of needlework will calm your entire system which is the best thing you can do for yourself to stay healthy.