Think Spring – Deeva Birdhouse Garden

It’s been a cold Spring (if you can call it that) here in Connecticut.  This Needle Deeva piece was the perfect solution to a long, bleak winter.


So many flowers . . .so many different ways to stitch them!


This is my favorite flower.  I love the new drop beads from the Collection.  garden-3

If I had to pick, the pink birdhouse is my favorite one.  Very Mackenzie Child.
garden-4 garden-5 garden-6

I’m putting the final touches on the stitch guide.  Kits will be shipping out next week (hopefully).  I may be a little busy with Susan Portra teaching at the shop.

The canvas is available on 18 or 13 mesh.  The stitch guide is for 18 mesh, but can easily be adapted to 13 mesh.

Call the shop or order online.  We have more canvases on order. The stitch guide will be available for purchase separately.  Thread kits are additional.  I haven’t had a chance to price that out yet.

One comment

  1. Julie Grombala says:

    What beautiful work you do! For my next life, I want to find the time to learn all of these marvelous techniques and move to Connecticut!:)

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