I picked this up a few weeks ago from my framer, River Road Gallery, but totally forgot to share it on the blog.
This was such a fun piece to stitch in the dead of winter last year, when everything is dark and bleak. These bright colors were like sitting under one of those sun lamps people use to get sunlight in the winter.
This is very classic Kate Dickerson, with her bright colors and fun designs.
A little brick beading brings this butterfly to life while keeping the wings translucent.
I don’t know if you’ve noticed by 13mm ribbon from River Silks is my new favorite thing to play with. I bought myself a ton of ribbons at the DC show back in June.
The pink ribbons are not from River Silks. They would have to be 30 mm ribbon or something like that. This is a beautiful 1 1/2 inch ribbon that has been applied to the canvas to create the huge lift in the petals.
Now to figure out where this piece will live? The store? (Like most of my pieces lol) Or maybe this one might make it home to my office. It’s the perfect colors for my office, which I’ll share with you my office/stitching room one day when it doesn’t look like a bomb went off in it.
Let’s hope that day comes one day!
Having seen this finished piece in person, I can attest to how absolutely GORGEOUS your stitching is, Suzie. The ribbonry makes the flowers come alive. I’m so happy to see it framed!
Cheers, Kate