Swirly Snowmen Class #1

Yesterday we had the first of three classes on the Ewe & Eye canvas “Warm Greetings” or as I call them, the “Swirly Snowmen.”  My little guy called them the “Dancing Snowmen.”  Gotta love 4 year olds!

We also had our first class with a long distance student via Skype. It worked out so well. Cammie felt like she was a part of the class, almost as if she were here. All she had to do was open her computer (or you can use an iPad or iPhone) and I gave her a buzz on Skype.  So easy! Email info@enrichedstitch.com for more information on how you can join our classes.


Here’s my almost finished piece.  I’ve got to put the finishing touches on and finish the last hat and scarf. I promise it will be done by the last class on February 9th.

My goal with teaching this piece was to convey a sense of overhead perspective and depth.  But, the hardest part was how to make needlepoint work on a curve. As we all know, needlepoint likes straight, not round. What a challenge!


 Close up of the scarf and hat.  This is a raised buttonhole stitch done on a curve using Planet Earth Opal



Sorry for the shadows in the pictures.  I’ll get better ones posted soon.  I was just so anxious to get this up.  This is the outer body of the snowman and a little bit of the background.


Complete view of the hat



Ahh. . . the corkscrew stitch. Thank you Julia Snyder!  It’s the perfect stitch for a snowman’s carrot nose.


I’ll post pics of the next class in 2 weeks.  Stay tuned!

Call the shop or email me if you are interested in the stitch guide and thread pack.




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