Jo Christensen is Coming to Teach

OMG!  I am SOOOOO excited!  Jo Christensen will be teaching at The Enriched Stitch on Thursday June 11th from 10-4.


Grab that difficult or forgotten canvas from the floor of your closet and let Jo help you give it CPR. Your canvas will be placed on a board and given life support. Trouble spots will be identified and suggestions for their correction will be offered.

What a cool idea for a class!  Class fee $175.  Class size limited to 8 students.

new needlepoint book

You can also audit the class for $75, which means that you attend the class, but do not bring a canvas for Jo to work on.

She will also be signing her new book that day.  So be sure to stop by after class and we can stay open late just for that.

Call the shop to sign up.


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