It’s been a year unlike any other with everything going on in the world. Good thing we have our needlepoint to keep us sane! As much as we might want to forget that 2020 ever happened, there’s been so great canvases to come out of the pandemic. Here are a few of my favorites.
Rebecca Wood designed this wildly popular piece based off of her famous reindeer.
I had so many requests for a stitch guide.
Rebecca recently followed up with a Santa wearing a mask. So new the paint was still wet when she posted it! I have a ton of them on order and expect them in a week or so. If you preorder your canvas by Sunday August 30th you will receive the stitch guide for free!
Click here to order!
I designed a few pieces with this year in mind. Who knew that when I designed this piece back in Janaury that it would mean so much more than just commemorating the year?
This seems to be the catch phrase of the year. Despite what it’s in reference to, it’s actually a really nice thing to say to people. You can find this in our online store.
I designed the nurse/doctor heart well over a year ago, not knowing how much it would mean to people this year. Two of my sisters are nurses so I had them in mind when I designed this.
Since that one was so popular, I did another one with the sinus rhythm.
Sometimes when I’m trying to finish a piece and I’m at that point where mentally I’m done with it but the holes aren’t plugged up yet, I sing this little song to the tune from “Finding Nemo” to myself. I know everyone has been stitching up a storm over the last few months so I thought I’d do a whimsical piece to commemorate the year.
Despite all the changes that have come crashing down on us over the last few months, a lot of good things have come out of it. Spending more time with family, unplugging a bit and finding some much needed time to relax at home. Gotta look on the bright side!