I know I’ve been quiet since the Dallas market, and I’m not going to bore you with the same pictures everyone has posted already. When you see these fabulous new designs what are you thinking? Do you feel like I love it but I can’t possibly purchase another canvas? I have too much in my stash? I’ll never live to finish what I have. If so . . .you aren’t alone.
Believe, no one knows better than I do that there aren’t enough hours in the day to stitch. And I do this for a living! And sometimes I am actually committed to finishing a piece and writing a stitch guide. I know most people don’t fall into that category, but I do understand. I haven’t always been a shop owner. I am totally overwhelmed by my stash . . .or “inventory” as I like to call it. Here’s a pic of just ONE of the shelves where some of my stash lives. I’m not going to tell you how many different shelving systems I have full lol.

There are so many pieces that I have started that I would love to finish, but for whatever reason I get sidetracked by pieces I “have to stitch” or I get stuck or simply just lose interest.
So what do we do about this? Sometimes, we just have to let a piece go. Much like that pair of shoes in your closet that are so beautiful but gave you blisters and an agonizing evening, they need to go to a better place.
So . .. here’s what I’m proposing. Starting October 1st, you have two weeks to register three pieces with The Enriched Stitch that need to be finished by January 3rd when we reopen after the holidays. If you complete any of those pieces, you will receive 20% off the finishing! You don’t have to finish all three. The only finishing we are excluding is framing because we don’t do that at the shop, unfortunately.
Stop by the shop to register your pieces. If you don’t live near us you can participate too! Just send us an email with pictures of the unfinished canvases next to the newspaper or something with the date on it and you’re part of the finishing challenge. The finished pieces must be turned in by January 3rd.
I’m going to play along, as well. I have a few pieces that I’ve picked up and put down for various reasons that I would LOVE to be gracing the walls of my home.
In order to help you with this, we will have a free class for those that are registered called “Get Over the Hump” on October 22nd, November 8th and December 10th. The local class will be from 10-12 and the online Facebook live class will be from 1-3.
There’s nothing more satisfying than finishing a piece. Well . . .that’s not exactly true. The tail end of a piece gets a bit torturous for me. Why isn’t there a triumphant fanfare that randomly sounds when we finish a piece? Becki and I do that for each other . . .but that’s another story. But there’s nothing better than when you get that phone call or email from Mary Susan telling you that you have finishing. And when you see that little beauty, you fall in love with that piece all over again.