The Chicks are Multiplying!

I just finished up the fourth chick!


I think she’s my favorite.   She has the sweetest face.


How cool is this carrot?  Someone thought it looked like a pineapple.  Guess it could work for that too!  This is a technique I learned from Tony Minieri called Casalguidi.  So cool!

And realized I never posted about chick number three.  Poor little guy…I forgot about him.


He’s the chubby chick.  little-chick-c-2

First I tried appliqueing a stitched piece of interlock canvas for the wings.  Soooooo not good.  Then I tried stretching Wonder Ribbon.  It was ok.  Not my “best work” as Mary Susan said.  So, a little delicate Accentuate seemed to do the trick.  It’s hard to see in the picture, but I did a Buttonhole stitch over the body after I tent stitched it.  I’m telling you . . .this butterfly was hard to figure out!

It’s not too late to sign up.  We have more canvases on order.

Call the shop or sign up online.

Get Ahead of the Game

I know summer is upon us, but it’s never to early to start stitching to have a piece done for the upcoming season.  So, this week, May 14th-21st we’ll be running a special on the Winter Farm Fun kit that I taught at our retreat last year.


The stitch guide is FREE with the purchase of the canvas and threads!  This is a $55 savings!

We’ll run this promotion until we run out of canvases.  So order early.  You can call the shop or order online.  The online price reflects the  discount.

Maybe one day I’ll get around to taking it to the framer!

Quick Stitches

You know me. . . I’m always stitching HUGE projects.  I like big pieces.  Lots of room to play. But, every once in a while I like a quick stitch.  I brought home this little key fob today from Lund Enterprises.  Think I can finish it tonight?


$25!!!! How can you beat that?  And no finishing costs.  Perfect gift. . . for those who are “needlepoint worthy.”

There’s 14 designs in the collection.


beach bag



flip flops


golf ball




life ring


palm tree


We have some in stock.  But can always order any design.  Total stash busters too!  Who doesn’t love to use up some threads?

Hippity Hoppity

Look who’s back from the finisher!  Kip the Bun!


Another pillow finished by our extraordinary pillow finisher.  Mary Susan and I designed the pillow together.  We had never had a pillow finished with Turkish corners, so we thought we’d try it.  Of course I’m always the guinea pig.

Turkish corners give the pillow a very soft and delicate feel, unlike a boxed or knife edge pillow.  Just perfect for this little cutie.

And guess what else?  Melissa Shirley will be distributing the stitch guide, as well.


We have canvases on order.  Hopefully they will arrive in a few weeks and we will ship the kits right out.

You can call the store to order the canvas, thread kit and stitch guide.  Each part is sold individually.

Or, click here to order online.

So many chicks!

The first installment of our chick club is shipping out today.  If you signed up before February first yours should be in the mail.  We have more coming.  So just be patient with us.



$78/canvas.  Thread kits additional.  Stitch guides are included for free with the purchase of the canvas and threads.  Stitch guides can be purchased individually for $20.

You can still sign up by calling the shop or signing up online.

Jo Christensen is Coming to Teach

OMG!  I am SOOOOO excited!  Jo Christensen will be teaching at The Enriched Stitch on Thursday June 11th from 10-4.


Grab that difficult or forgotten canvas from the floor of your closet and let Jo help you give it CPR. Your canvas will be placed on a board and given life support. Trouble spots will be identified and suggestions for their correction will be offered.

What a cool idea for a class!  Class fee $175.  Class size limited to 8 students.

new needlepoint book

You can also audit the class for $75, which means that you attend the class, but do not bring a canvas for Jo to work on.

She will also be signing her new book that day.  So be sure to stop by after class and we can stay open late just for that.

Call the shop to sign up.


Lambie Pie

Isn’t she just precious?


I cannot take credit for this little cutie pie.  She was stitched by Becki Gebhardt, who is our stitcher extrodinaire at The Enriched Stitch.  Every Tuesday and Thursday Becki comes into work with a smile on her face, starting the day off right and putting a smile on my face.

lambie cover page

Her stitch guide is now available through The Enriched Stitch or Melissa Shirley.


Look at the detail in her hat/birds nest.  Whoever knows what is really on the heads of these adorable animals that are painted by Vicki Sawyer?  And who cares?  They are SO much fun to stitch!

You can order the complete kit through us.

Canvas $230   Thread Kit $160   Stitch Guide $50

The stitch guide can be purchased independently if you already own the canvas.

I know the thread kit might seem a bit pricey.  But trust me…you can’t use a Becki stitch guide without her thread list.  It just won’t look the same.  Perhaps we should start calling them “Stitch and Thread Guides.”  The threads are equally as important as what stitches are used.  Without the correct threads, it’s impossible to achieve the same effect.

Give us a call if you would like to order any part of the kit.  We have one canvas in stock currently, but can certainly order more.  Click Here to order online

Sale ends today! All in stock canvases 25% off!

We still have tons of great canvases in stock.  Check out the blogs that have been posted in the last few days to see out canvas boards.  Give us a call today if you see something you’d like us to send your way.


Here’s a snippet of our boards.  Click here to see the original sale blog.


Stitch guides available for Garden Party (top left) and Birdhouse Garden (top right)IMG_7991



Stitch guide available for the owl and the tiger




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There’s so many more canvases, so be sure to read back in the blog or click here

Happy Spring!

The Big Time

I have some very exciting news to share.  This week my work has been featured in a local gallery showing.  Aggie and Patti’s work was exhibited as well,

The director of a local community center asked me a while back if I would exhibit my work and anyone else who wanted to participate.  This was so exciting for me!  We’ve sparked interest in stitching in a different community.  I love being an ambassador of needlepoint! What an honor!







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Apparently…someone wants to buy my Charlie Harper Tiger for $10,000.   I have been saying for years that needle art should be sold within the art world.

Now that the opportunity it here, I’m not sure what to do.  What do you think?

Just so you know . . .every piece you see here has a stitch guide and can be ordered.

Who knew that my love of stitching and my desire to learn would ever result in this?  Decisions…decisions….