I just finished up the fourth chick!
I think she’s my favorite. She has the sweetest face.
How cool is this carrot? Someone thought it looked like a pineapple. Guess it could work for that too! This is a technique I learned from Tony Minieri called Casalguidi. So cool!
And realized I never posted about chick number three. Poor little guy…I forgot about him.
He’s the chubby chick.
First I tried appliqueing a stitched piece of interlock canvas for the wings. Soooooo not good. Then I tried stretching Wonder Ribbon. It was ok. Not my “best work” as Mary Susan said. So, a little delicate Accentuate seemed to do the trick. It’s hard to see in the picture, but I did a Buttonhole stitch over the body after I tent stitched it. I’m telling you . . .this butterfly was hard to figure out!
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