What I’ve Been Up To

What haven’t I been up to?  Actually, I’ve been taking a little time to myself this summer, with my little guy out of school.  It’s been lovely! A lot of stitching going on.  I’m closing in on the Yellow Bunny for the club, working on the Americana Club, finished my piece that I will be teaching at the Dallas market, the retreat piece, and so many other pieces.  I will admit, I have a problem.  I’m a serial starter.  For all that I do finish, you guys never see all the WIP’s I’ve got going.  One of these days they’ll get finished.

So, I’ve been loving these new J & J pieces.  So much fun to stitch.  I know I said I would post pics a few days ago, and was called out on my lack of posting by my friend Kim.  So here it is.


I thought I would challenge myself on this piece.  I am not going to do any stitches that I have done before.  Except for some French Knots, Colonial Knots or Lazy Daisies in the tress and bushes.  Really, what else can you do?  We’ll see.


I’ve been using a ton of stitches from the Landscapes book and Ins & Outs.


This water stitch was so quick!


I thought I would randomly place this cloud stitch throughout the sky.  Working out so far.


This is the second piece that I’m working on.  I just want to live here.

I’ll keep you posted.  Stitch guides will come at some point, when I finish.  We have both of these canvases in the trunk show.  So snatch them up while they’re on sale!


We’re cleaning house!  Making room for new inventory.

Select canvases up to 50% off!

Give us a call or email to order.  Sale not available online.

Select Threads On Sale

Bravo, Encore, Legacy, Highlights, Designers Dream  $1 each

Kreinik 32 braid, Kreinik 1/8″ ribbon $1 each

Silk & Ivory and Trio $2

Appleton Hanks $3

boxes, bags, ipad and kindle cases, knitting supplies

Give us a call if there’s something you’re looking for or stop by to check it out if you are in the area.

I took closer pictures of the sale canvases.  All of these canvases are 40-50% off. Email or call for pricing.


Canvas Works rug: Regular price $900.  Sale price $500


Melissa Shirley growth chart.  Regular price $325.  Sale price $150


Nursery Rhyme Rug  Regular Price $495.  Sale price $295

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National Teaching Engagement!

A few months back, Needle Deeva asked me to teach a piece for them at the Dallas market this September.  I was over the moon!  Teaching shop owners is a little daunting to me.  But I’m sure I can handle.  Just need to proof the guide!


How cute is this?  She’s introducing a new series of baskets in September.

I’ll be teaching a class in the shop on October 11th,  10-1

Call the shop or email me to sign up.

Canvas $89

18 mesh Dimensions: 5 1/2 by 8

Thread Kit: $87

Kits will be available in mid September.  Preorder yours now to make sure you get it on time.  The painting service has been very slow, lately.  But don’t get me started on that!

New Designer!!! J&J Graphic Designs Trunk Show

I’m always looking for something fresh and new to stitch.  J & J Graphics is a new artists that is distributed by Wellesley Needlepoint.

So much fun!  Big wide open spaces.  Vibrant colors.  Charming scenes.  Who could ask for more?  I know I had to have one.  I’ll show you my progress tomorrow.

All trunk show canvases are 20% off.  Discount available online and in store.  Use discount code JJ20 at the checkout if your are shopping online.



NL74 – Dock at Christmas


NL48 – Nantucket Harbor


NL23 – Swampscott Harbor


NL20 – Wood End Light Provincetown


NL56 – Sailor’s Valentine’s Day Basket


NL22 – Swan Boats


NL39 – Holiday Swans


NL32 – Brewster Antique Gallery


NL66 – West Tisbury Antiques


NL10 – Cape Cod Cottages


NL51 – Beach House Brewster


NL71 – Boothbay Harbor


NL52 – Nobska Lighthouse


NL16 – Nantucket Cottage


NL53 – Buoys


NL55 – Windsocks


NL47 – Picnic


NL43 – Fenway Park


NL37 – Nantucket Flower Basket


NL59 – Cape Cod Fish Market


NL33 – Cape Cod Beach


NL72 – Union Street


NL49 – Cape Cod Boat House

 Call, email or order online!

203-210-5107   enrichedstitch@gmail.com

Vicky DeAngelis is Coming!

We are thrilled to have Vicky come back to teach at the shop!  I love her stitch guides and teaching style. So easy going and wildly creative!

September 30th  – Annie Lane Workshop

The featured piece in this workshop is “Welcome”

welcome 2

You will receive a canvas, stitch guide and thread kit.

If “Welcome” isn’t your thing, you can also choose from the following pieces.  Vicki is coming up with stitch ideas and thread suggestions, but no formal stitch guide will be written.

moo chef

Moo Chefred rooster

Red Roosterfinding agnes

Finding Agnes

No matter which canvas you pick, the workshop is $350  10-4.

Sign up online

October 1st – Patches the Snowman (Pepperberry  Designs)


Class Fee: $300     Includes canvas, stitch guide and threads

Sign up online

Call, email or sign up online.

“Welcome” and “Patches” are available as kits.  Call, email or order the kits online.

We are partnering with Wellesley Needlepoint to bring Vicky back to the East Coast.  If you can’t make it to the shop, the Annie Lane Workshop will be offered in the Wellesley shop on September 28th.

Hope you can join us!

Patchwork of Peace

I’m sure this is going to embarrass her, but I just had to share Jinny’s magnificent piece.  patchwork-of-peace

Jinny has come back to work for the summer after graduating college.  She stitches like a fiend!  She stitched this massive undertaking in 3 weeks!  Now she can do mine.

Can’t wait to see what she cranks out over the summer.

If you don’t have one of these canvases, there is a book that accompanies the piece, which is comprised of 247 stitches.  What a great way to learn new stitches.

Order Online

Summer Tree

3 down . . .1 more to go.  I just finished up the Summer Tree in our Four Seasons club.  Kits will ship in late July, assuming the canvases come in on time.


Finding the right green was tricky.  I wanted an overdye that was a darker, richer green, like how the leaves are in summer.  At least that’s how they look around here in Connecticut.


I love playing with drop beads.  They are so cool.  This bead is two-toned. . . even better.


I don’t think I’ll be starting the Fall canvas just yet.  I’ve got a lot of other homework to catch up on.

New Kit and Stitch Guide!!! Penguins from Scott Church

I fell in love with this piece immediately at market in January.  I was a good little shop owner and left it upstairs for a few weeks, waiting to be priced, knowing that I really didn’t need to price it since I knew I had to have it.


This piece reminds me of my family.  We’ve never cut our own tree down, but this is what we look like taking the tree out after the holidays.  I get the light end and my six year old is always trying to help.


I still have to brush the baby more, but I think he turned out pretty cute.  Fluffy, just like a baby penguin.  I will advise you, do NOT try Turkey Work.  Been there . . .done that.


Here’s a close up of the sky.


This was a lot of Lazy Daisies.  But I trudged on through.

 I started it on May 29th and finished it in 9 days.  What a quick and fun stitch!  Now I’m just waiting for the fabric and trim to come so I can send it off to our amazing pillow finisher.

I will finish up the stitch guide this week  I promise.

The canvas is $138.  Thread kit is $122. It is on 13 mesh and measure 9 x 12.

The stitch guide is included for free, as always, with the purchase of the canvas and threads.  But the stitch guide is also available individually for $50.

Call, email or order online


At long last . . .

The canvas for our retreat this fall FINALLY arrived!  I can’t wait to get started stitching on this piece.  I’ll be sure to post my progress.


The canvas is $195 and will ship after the retreat at the end of October.  Please order by August 1st to ensure that your kit will be sent out in the first batch.  The painting service has been terribly slow these days.

It is on 18 mesh and measure 10 x 11.

Thread kits will be available.  I haven’t started yet, but I would guess it would be somewhere between $150-$200.  That seems pretty average for me.

Call, email or preorder online

203-210-5107    enrichedstitch@gmail.com.

Guess where I’m Gonna Be

I found out in January that my  “Swirly Snowmen” piece, or “Warm Greetings” by Ewe & Eye, as it is actually named, is going to be featured in the July/August issue of Needlepoint Now.

That was even better than the shopping spree at market!IMG_2038

snowmen-finished1 snowmen-tray-1 snowmen-tray-2 snowmen-tray-3

I have canvases in stock now, so order now before the magazine is released.

.Order online